TRAVELER SURVEY: COVID-19 is a concern, but not enough to cancel trips

TRAVELER SURVEY: COVID-19 is a concern, but not enough to cancel trips


  • Majority of travelers are not changing travel plans
  • Many worry about getting quarantined
  • Overwhelming preference for telemedicine if in quarantine for physician consults

Most travelers (86%) are concerned about coronavirus but overwhelmingly (89%) still plan to travel, based on the results of a Global Rescue survey. Travelers are less concerned about getting sick, rather they are largely concerned about potentially ending up quarantined.

Survey Results

  • How likely are you to travel in 2020, either domestically or internationally? Very likely (88%); Somewhat likely (8%); Somewhat unlikely (2%); Very unlikely (1%)
  • How concerned are you about travel safety in 2020? Not concerned (14%); Somewhat concerned (51%); Concerned (23%); Very Concerned (11%)
  • Did the outbreak of coronavirus compel you to: Cancel travel plans (4%); Postpone travel plans (8%); Revise travel plans (12%); Make no changes (58%); Other (16%)
  • During a quarantine, would you prefer to get medical advice, a diagnosis, or a prescription by: Visiting a doctor’s office (24%); Using a smartphone, tablet, or desktop for an online video call with a physician (76%)