With stay-at-home measures in place, you may find yourself with extra time for getting a jumpstart on outdoor seasonal chores.
But first, you’ll need to fuel up, as gasoline, kerosene and diesel fuel are all required for outdoor tasks like removing fallen tree limbs and power washing driveways. Follow this advice from the experts at Scepter to use fuel properly and safely.
Dispose of Old Fuel
“Safely dispose of any leftover fuel in containers from winter activities,” says Daniel Marshall, vice president of marketing and business development with Scepter. “Winter fuel is heavier, and a unique blend. Fuel available in spring and summer is different and should be used for lawn care and sporting equipment.”
You can safely dispose of a winter mix of gasoline, Marshall notes, by carefully funneling it into your car so that a small amount of remaining winter fuel will mix in with the gasoline in your larger tank.
Selecting Containers
Inspect your existing fuel containers for cracks and leaks. If you find signs of aging, invest in new, durable fuel containers, like Scepter SmartControl. Available in one-, two- and five-gallon gas, kerosene and diesel sizes, these high-density polyethylene containers have child safety features for added protection. Additionally, their innovative spout design provides a clean and fast pour, helping save gas for where it’s needed by eliminating spills. Their user-controlled flow valves and flame mitigation devices (FMD) make it easy and safe to direct the amount of fuel being dispensed.
Do’s and Don’ts
Before using fuel around the house, review this “do’s and don’ts list” with your family:
• Use fuel outside only, in well-ventilated areas where you won’t breathe in the fumes.
• Remove fuel containers from vehicles before refilling.
• Place containers on the ground a safe distance from vehicles when refilling.
• Touch the container with the gas dispenser nozzle before removing the container lid to ground the static electricity charge.
• Keep the nozzle in contact with the container when filling it to prevent build-up of static charge.
• Carefully wipe away fuel spills, either during the filling of the container or when using the container.
• Store fuel in their proper containers. Universally, red containers are for gasoline, blue are for kerosene and yellow are for diesel.
• Let a hot motor cool before adding more fuel.
• Siphon any type of fuel by mouth.
• Allow children near fuel containers.
• Store filled fuel containers in a vehicle or living space, like a home or trailer.
• Bring fuel containers near open flames, whether it be pilot lights or stoves.
• Bring, store or use fuel near any source of ignition.
• Smoke when using fuel or when near fuel containers.
• Remove or alter the FMD inside the opening of the container.
• Pour fuel directly onto or near a flame, coals or embers. Fuel should never be used to start or accelerate a fire.
• Use any type of fuel to kill ant hills or bee hives.
For additional tips, check out free safety videos online by visiting, Scepter.com/safety.
For a safe, productive season of outdoor activities and chores, be sure to always store and use fuel properly.